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Forever Yours -
The Secret Password To His Heart



The Program: $39.95 Clickbank Product, 3 upsells in the funnel... You earn a bountiful 75% on the program, as well as commission on the upsells and continuity.

Forever Yours - The Secret Password To His Heart is a Unique, kickass program that women LOVE. Gives them the secrets of how to pull their man close and keep him there... (VSL is located here: www.passwordtohisheart.com )

Pricing Info:
The course is $39.95 + a 1 month free trial of the Perfect Passion Insider's Club (continuity) is included as an optional continuity (rebills at $39.95/month - users can cancel at any time. This has around a 70+% take rate currently)

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We are paying out a generous 75% commission on the front end purchase, PLUS commision on any backend purchases after the sale too. The recurring monthly program also pays out a 40% commission recurring. And you also get the commission on any of the 3 upsells offered in this funnel.

Simply send out our ready-made swipe - or your own. Send them to the VSL. No optins required. Oh, and I've got a PDF report that you can give them (see below in the links, it's all ready for you...)

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Questions/Additional Information:
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me (Carlos) or Jenn T - my affiliate manager.

Contact Carlos:
Email: carlosxuma at gmail.com
Skype: carlosxuma

Contact Jenn:
Email: affiliates at carlosxuma.com

PS: REMEMBER - My name for the women is: Carlos Cavallo. (Not Xuma! :)

Just put your Clickbank ID in below to start getting ready for the fun.


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Subject Line A: Magic words make him yours (100% legal and ethical)
Subject Line B: Strange secret makes him forever yours (even if he’s already left)

Hi <<firstname>>,

What if I told you that you can whisper a few "magic words" in your man’s ear... and make him fall head-over-heels in love?

You’d probably be skeptical. I certainly was.

Then I saw a new video by my friend Carlos Cavallo.

(You can watch it here and judge for yourself: LINK)

Over the last 10 years, Carlos has helped hundreds of women take control of their relationships...get their men to open up... and finally get the love and respect they deserve.

And now it’s your turn.

In this special video, Carlos pulls back the curtain and reveals his best-kept secrets to getting any man to fall in love fast—without playing games.

In this special report, you’ll discover...

  • How to stop him from pulling away, shutting down, and putting up walls. Do this right and you’ll get him chasing you—and begging to be your boyfriend (or even your husband)
  • Discover the secret password to his heart. How to get him to share his secret fears...his most intimate desires...and how he really feels about you.
  • Unleash his hidden passion for you—and only you. The secret is this forgotten superpower most women don’t even know they have.
  • Overcome the relationship roadblocks that keep you stuck in a cycle of frustration and heartache...and create the lasting love that you’ve always dreamed of—and deserve
  • And much, much more...

Just imagine what will happen when you use all of those secrets at once.

Before you know it, he’ll be overcome with desire for you...

He’ll lie awake at night, wondering how you feel about him...

And he’ll even get down on his knees and beg to be yours forever.

Why wait? Find out how these secrets can put you in the driver’s seat—and turn your relationship around overnight.

Watch this special video report now: (LINK)



P.S.— Don’t worry. You don’t have to play games or try some weird new sex technique.

These magic words trigger a secret "love switch" deep in your man’s brain... creating an irresistible desire to be with you (and only you) forever.

See how these magic words can work for you: LINK

Subject Line A: "Magic words" that make him fall in love (works almost instantly)
Subject Line B: Shocking secret to lifelong love (should be illegal—but it’s not)

Hi <<firstname>>,

Imagine that you knew a few "magic words" that you can whisper in any man’s ear—and make him fall head-over-heels in love.

Imagine that these same magic words unleash a flood of pent-up desire for you—and only you.

And imagine that when you use these magic words on your man...

...he won’t be able to stop thinking about you....

...he’ll lie awake at night, hoping you feel the same...

...he may even drop to his knees and beg to be your boyfriend (or even your husband)!

Check it out here...(LINK)

Sounds crazy, right?

But it really works. And for a very good reason.

You see, these magic words trigger a flood of "feel good" hormones in the male brain.

One of these feel-good hormones fires up his sexual drive.

Another makes him fall head-over-heels in love.

And one love hormone creates an overwhelming need to be with you—and only you—forever.

Find out how this secret can work for you: (LINK)

Just imagine what will happen when you use this secret.

You whisper these magic words in his ear...

Before you know it, he’ll be overcome with desire for you...

He’ll lie awake at night, wondering how you feel about him...

He might even get down on his knees and beg to be yours forever.

(In fact, that’s what my friend Carlos did when his wife use these "magic words" on him!)

Why not watch this short video right now? You have nothing to lose...and lifetime of love and devotion to gain.

Watch this special video report now: (LINK)



P.S.— Just say these magic words—and watch in amazement as he stops pulling away...opens up his heart...and sweeps you off your feet.

Find out how this secret works right now: (LINK)

Subject Line A: One simple rule to make him yours (works on any man)
Subject Line B: Why men pull away (strange but true)

Dear <<firstname>>,

Did you know there’s one simple relationship rule that every man has...but most women ignore?

It’s true!

In fact, this simple rule is the real reason men pull away...shut down...and even break up with women.

(Including women they’re actually in love with!)

Shocking, isn’t it? But here’s the good news:

This same rule can make any man fall head-over-heels in love overnight.

This rule creates an overwhelming desire to be with you—and only you.

This one simple rule can even make a man get on his knees and beg to be yours forever!

Discover how this secret rule works (and how to use it to your advantage): (LINK)

My friend Carlos Cavallo just released a short video that reveals the shocking truth about this secret rule.

During this special report, you’ll discover...

  • How to break through a man’s emotional armor...open up his heart...and make him to see you as the perfect woman. The secret is this forgotten superpower most women don’t even know they have.
  • The secret password to his heart. How to get him to share his secret fears...his most intimate desires...and how he really feels about you.
  • How to make any man fall in love overnight. Works by using the hard-wired "love trigger" in every man’s brain. And he’ll actually thank you for it!
  • And much, much more...

But there’s just one, small catch:

This special video report won’t be up for long.

And once it’s taken down, that’s it. You may have to wait months to discover the amazing power of this one relationship rule.

Why wait? Watch this video now and discover how to turn your relationship around overnight: (LINK)



P.S. –<<firstname>>, what are you waiting for? This one simple rule creates instant chemistry. It gets him to chase you. It can even make him get down on his knees and beg to be yours forever!

Find out how works here: (LINK)

Subject Line A: What men really want (but will never tell you)
Subject Line B: What men really want (secrets of the male mind revealed)

Dear <<firstname>>,

My good friend Carlos just released a shocking new relationship report.

I just finished watching it. And I have to admit...it blew my mind!

You see, Carlos has been a relationship coach for over 12 years. He’s helped hundreds of women finally get the love, respect, and devotion they deserve.

And in this special report, Carlos pulls back the curtain and reveals what men really want (believe me, it’s NOT what you think.)

You’ll discover a secret relationship rule every man has—but most women ignore.

You’ll find how to break through his emotional armor and get him to open up—without even asking.

And you’ll discover a fun (and easy) way to finally get him to commit—even if you’ve been stuck in "relationship limbo" for years.

You can see the full report here: LINK

And you’ll also discover...

  • How a secret "love trigger" can unleash a flood of desire for you...and only you. Use this correctly, and he won’t even want to look at another woman! But it only works if you do this first.
  • A simple way to tell if he’s playing games...or getting ready to commit. The key is this little-known signal every man has—but most women overlook. What it is and how to spot it.
  • Magic words that make any man fall in love. Whisper them in his ear and he’ll beg to be yours forever (that’s what Carlos did when his wife used these magic words on him!)
  • And much, much more...

Find out how to use these secrets to get the love you deserve: LINK

The best part?

As one of my subscribers, this special report won’t cost you a penny.

But there’s just one, small catch...

You see, Carlos told me this amazing special report won’t stay up forever. Sooner or later, he’s going to take it down.

(In fact, the only reason we have access to it is because I begged Carlos to share it with you)

And once that happens, that’s it. You may have to wait months—or longer—to discover these relationship-saving secrets.

Why wait? You have nothing to lose...and a lifetime of love, devotion, and respect to gain.

Check out this new special report now: LINK



P.S.-- <<firstname>>, this new special report can help you open up his heart...get him share his true feelings...and finally give you the love and devotion you’ve always dreamed of (and deserve).

Claim your special report now, before it’s too late: LINK

Subject Line A: Strange attraction secret of a 33-year-old single mom from Sacramento
Subject Line B: How a 33-year-old single mom made a "Bad Boy" beg for her love

Hi <<firstname>>,

If you’re like most women, you’ve probably dated a "bad boy".

You know the type.

Good-looking. Charming. Confident...and maybe even a little cocky.

(Think Jax from Sons of Anarchy.)

Now, your personal bad boy may not ride a Harley.

But let’s be honest. No matter what type of bad boy you like...they have one thing in common.


At least at first.

But before long, he starts to drive you crazy.

He pulls away emotionally. He stops calling or texting. Sometimes he even disappears for weeks at a time.

Then suddenly, poof! He’s back in your life again like nothing has happened.

Frustrating, isn’t it?

But what if I told you there’s a way to "turn the tables" on the bad boy in your life...and get him chasing you?

You see, that’s exactly what a Jen, a 33-year-old single mom from Sacramento did.

In fact, she got Carlos--a lifelong player and "bad boy"—to beg to be her boyfriend.

See how she did it: LINK

Her secret? A few "magic words" that men simply can’t resist.

When Jen whispered these magic words in his ear, Carlos dropped to his knees and swore he’d love her forever.

And he did it in front of a crowded nightclub...while hundreds of people watched in amazement.

Discover how these magic words can work for you, too (LINK)

And now it’s your turn.

You see, Carlos has just released a new report where he reveals—in detail— exactly how Jen turned him from a "bad boy" into a devoted husband and father...

...and how you can do the same with the bad boy in your life.

You can see the full report here: LINK



P.S. -- <<firstname>>, don’t let a "bad boy" play games with your heart. Check out this special report now and discover how to turn the tables...and get him chasing you.

Claim your special report now: LINK

Subject Line A: The "magic trick" every woman dreads
Subject Line B: Weird "magic trick" men love (and women hate)

Dear <<firstname>>,

Has this ever happened to you?

You start dating a new guy.

At first, everything is amazing. You talk on the phone for hours...you go out night after night...and he can’t keep his hands off you.

And then...poof! He disappears.

He stops calling you. He ignores your texts. He won’t even respond to your emails.

And you’re left sitting there alone, wondering...

"What the HELL happened?"

If that sounds familiar, you’re not alone.

Sooner or later, every woman experiences this unfair relationship "magic trick" first hand.

The good news?

There’s a simple way to make sure this never happens to you again—ever!

The key? A secret "commitment trigger" every man has...but most women ignore.

When you know to this secret , you can make almost any man fall head-over-heels in love overnight

(even if he’s cold, emotionally distant, and has one foot out the door.)

Discover how this secret can work for you: LINK

This secret commitment trigger is hard-wired into your man’s brain. It creates overwhelming desire to be with you—and only you.

It makes his heart race and his palms sweat...and literally gets him addicted to your love.

This secret is so powerful it can even make him get down on his knees and beg to be yours forever (in fact, that’s exactly what it did to one former "bad boy").

Discover how this secret can turn your love life around overnight: LINK



P.S.--<<firstname>>, don’t put up with this lame "magic trick" men love to pull on unsuspecting women. Find how to put a stop to it now...turn the tables...and get him chasing you.

See the full report here: LINK

Subject Line A: Secret "love rule" every man has (but most women ignore)
Subject Line B: Make him beg to be your boyfriend (secret rule)

Hi <<firstname>>,

If you’re like most women, you know the pain and heartbreak of watching a man pull away...put up walls...and slowly shut you out of his life.

It’s like watching a car accident in slow motion. You see what’s happening. You know it’s going to be ugly.

And—until now—there was nothing you do about it.

You see, thanks to a new breakthrough in male psychology...

You can stop him from pulling away...

...get him to drop his emotional walls...

...and even get him chasing you—begging to be yours forever!

Discover how this amazing breakthrough can turn your love life around overnight: LINK

This secret works by using a simple relationship rule every man has...but most women ignore.

And when you follow this secret "man rule", amazing things can happen.

You won’t struggle to read his signals. His mind (and heart) will be an open book.

He’ll be overcome with a burning need to be with you—and only you.

His heart will pound with desire whenever he sees you...hears your voice...or even thinks about you.

Find out how this secret rule can make him forever yours: LINK

And when you use this secret rule, you never have to worry about him pulling away again.

In fact, he’ll actually become addicted to you—and making you happy.

But I have to warn you: This information isn’t for every woman.

You see, this secret rule is powerful. So powerful that it’s almost...well...unfair.


Because this secret makes a man utterly helpless to resist your charms. He simply can’t control his desire to hold you...kiss you...and love you forever.

And he’ll love every second of it. In fact, he’ll probably thank you for helping him "see the light".

So make sure you use this secret carefully—and only on a man who truly deserves your love.

Get the full report on this "secret rule" here: LINK



P.S.-- <<firstname>>, what are you waiting for? This secret rule can put your pain, frustration, and heartache behind you—and finally give you the love (and respect) you deserve.

See how this strange secret can work for you: LINK

Subject Line A:
Subject Line B:

Dear <<firstname>>,

What if I told you there’s a simple way to make any man fall head-over-heels in love—without playing games...manipulating his emotions...or doing anything weird in bed?

And what if told you this same secret creates instant, overwhelming attraction...unleashes a flood of hidden desire...and practically forces him see you as "The One"?

You’d probably be skeptical. I was, too.

Then I saw a new report from relationship coach Carlos Cavallo.

You can see the full report here at no cost: LINK

But I have to warn you:

A lot of the ideas Carlos shares in his special report are kind of...well, unusual.

Not to mention extremely controversial.

In fact, they fly in the face of the advice you’ll get from most relationship "experts"

But they work. These secrets have helped over XXX women get the love, respect, and devotion they deserve.

And they can do the same for you. But don’t take my word for it.

Check out this groundbreaking special report now—and try them for yourself: LINK



P.S.--<<firstname>>, this special report is 100% complimentary. Discover how to turn your love life around overnight—at no cost and with no strings attached.

Watch this special presentation now, before it’s gone for good: LINK

Subject Line A: Turn your love life around overnight (last chance)
Subject Line B: Rescue your relationship (before it’s too late)

Hi <<firstname>>,

Over the last few weeks, I’ve told you about a new special report from my friend (and amazing relationship coach) Carlos Cavallo.

If you haven’t checkout this no-cost relationship-saving manual yet, I urge you do it now.

You see, Carlos told me that he may be taking this special report down soon.

And once it’s gone, that’s it. You may have to wait months to get access to these love secrets.

(You can see the full report here—no cost, no strings attached: LINK)

Here’s just a taste of what you’ll discover in this groundbreaking report:

  • The great commitment myth! Why most relationship experts are dead wrong about how men really think about love. PLUS: the simple rule that makes him yours forever.
  • Discover the secret password to his heart. How to get him to share his secret fears...his most intimate desires...and how he really feels about you
  • Unleash his hidden passion for you—and only you. The secret is this forgotten superpower most women don’t even know they have.
  • The weird "love signal" every man has—but most women ignore. Miss it and he may think you’re not interested. Here’s what to look for.
  • Overcome the relationship roadblocks that keep you stuck in a cycle of frustration and heartache...and create the lasting love that you’ve always dreamed of—and deserve.
  • How to get any man addicted to you. Ancient secret floods his brain with "feel good" hormones—and makes him see you as the perfect woman.
  • Little known body language triggers that reveal how he really feels about you. One of them is if he does this with his hips.
  • Get your man to stop pulling away, shutting down, and putting up walls. Do this right and you’ll get him chasing you—and begging to be your boyfriend (or even your husband)
  • And much, much more...

Remember, this information won’t be available much longer. And once it’s gone, it’s gone.

Why not check it out right now, before it slips your mind? You have nothing to lose—and a lifetime of love, respect, and devotion to gain

Check out this special report now, before it’s gone forever (LINK)



P.S.--<<firstname>>, don’t roll the dice with your relationship. Check out this groundbreaking report now—and discover how you can turn your love life around overnight.

Remember, there’s no charge...no hassles...and no strings attached. Why wait? Claim your special report now, before it’s too late: LINK

Here Are Product Images You Can Use:

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Password To His Heart
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Inside A Man's Mind
Inside A Man's Mind

Forever Faithful
Forever Faithful

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Romance Restart



Full Program - Mobile