Would You Choose Your Career or Love?

By: Carlos Cavallo

Would you choose your career or would you choose love?66 185x300 Would You Choose Your Career or Love?

In this day and age, women are now going after college degrees - and NOT just a “Mrs.” degree. Women now have choices and they tend to choose a career path.

You're joining (not "competing") with the men in the workforce.

Professional life is on a high standard. Career women are focused, driven and goal oriented.

Nothing can sway them into getting what they want – until they fall in love.

If you’re a career woman, you can totally relate. You’re used to making all the decisions, then out of nowhere, you fell in love and all logic goes out the window.


What HE wants is a traditional woman – that means, you have to give up your career, be a stay-at-home wife. Take care of the kids and just absolutely focus on your family’s needs.

And as per a recent research of Pew Research Center, in a population of 2500 men, 37% thinks moms should stay at home and 41% say part-time work for women is a healthy compromise. That's a full 78% that feel strongly about your importance as a mom.

We all know part-time work doesn’t give you that edge to go up the corporate ladder.

It’s an extremely difficult choice...!

Logic might tell you to choose CAREER, especially when you’ve worked so hard to get to where you are right now. And maybe your mom - or both parents - raised you to jump into the workforce.

Emotions will push you towards LOVE because he’s the ONE - and that guy doesn’t come along often.

63 Would You Choose Your Career or Love?

Here are some thoughts that can hopefully help you in your decision-making.

1) What is your end-goal?

Think with the end in mind. Imagine what you foresee your future to be – do you see yourself with kids?

Cooking dinner? Taking care of him?

OR you see yourself a CEO or COO of a company? Taking charge, *possibly* single - and doing absolutely anything you like to do, without being tied down to responsibilities and commitments?

2) What makes you happy?

After you envision your end goal, which one makes you feel happy the most?

If one of the choices makes you feel squeamish or you feel like you want to run away from it – then you know which one to choose.

3) Factor in your age

It’s a fact that at a young age you’re ambitious and driven. But, if you’re getting older, your passion in life might change.

Accept the fact that, as the years go by, you’re getting older. Are you okay with being alone?

Or do you want to raise a family?

64 Would You Choose Your Career or Love?

Just remember that LIFE IS SHORT and the years pass by so quickly. What’s important is you’re HAPPY and living life with no regrets or “what ifs”.

Either choice is valid for you, but you have to go in with BOTH eyes open.

There's a common message in society today that deludes us into thinking we can have it all.

NO. You can't!

Some things in life will be mutually exclusive. A woman's ability to have a child is on a limited timeline.


You can see the big picture best by understanding your options completely. You can see them out into the future.

And you can stick to the choice you made - understanding that there’s NO right and wrong decision here. You’re just presented with an opportunity to make a choice.

Whatever you decide on, you can be as happy as you make your mind up to be. Which is something we often lose sight of when the pressures of the world pile on.

If you'd like to discover more about how to get the man you really desire, I have a presentation you'll want to see...

Yours In Perfect Passion...

- Carlos Cavallo


UPDATED 9/27/2021

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