Dating a Single Dad - Should You Do It?

By: Carlos Cavallo

Are you dating a single dad? Are you wondering if it's a good idea?

There’s just something about a single dad that women are irresistibly attracted to. Perhaps, it’s because of how he steps up to the plate and takes care of everything – his kid, their lives, their future.%name Dating a Single Dad   Should You Do It?

And that makes you wonder – “If he’s able to do that then he can do that for me – for us!”

Nothing like a responsible, dedicated and committed man to turn you on…he’s the complete package.


Before you start imagining wedding bells and stepping up to the plate as need to consider these things to know if you’re up to dating a single dad:

CONSIDER: Less quality time for you

If you’re the type of woman who doesn’t want to “share” or expects a man to be always with you, you have to rethink dating him…

Imagine this – between his full time work and activities with his kid - where will you fit in?

He can hire a baby sitter to watch the kid, but if he’s a hands-on father then that’s not an everyday occurrence.

CONSIDER: Less funds to spend on you

Not that you're looking for immediate support from him, but he has a kid to take care of, and that’s not inexpensive! Think about food, school and other activities that needs to be paid to ensure the kid’s needs are taken care of.

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With that being said, expect that there’ll be less money to spend on you. Anticipate that your dates will often be in a modest restaurant, gifts will be a bit more infrequent…

This requires a little adjustment on your part if you’re the type of woman who’s used to being “taken care of” or has a lavish lifestyle.

Then you have to reconsider dating him - unless, of course he's doing very well for himself and isn't hurting for money. In any case though, you should be more or less financially stable yourself so money doesn't really have to be a major factor in the relationship.

CONSIDER: You’re his Ms. #2

You’ll be a second priority to him - at least for a very long time at the start. So asking him to choose between you and his kids are a definite no-no.

He will never choose you over his kids; if you were in his place, you'd do the same.

Your special events will always rely on whether the kid will have a babysitter or an activity that requires a lot of time.

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If you’re the type that’s used to being the center of attention or the TOP priority… put that aside for a while when you decide to date him.


Single dads are mature. Having a kid is a lifetime commitment and most often, they’d have to put their kids needs first than their own.

That level of maturity will be good for you because you know this attitude normally carries over into his relationships with other people - including a romantic partner.

And that’s something real and worth fighting for. You know firsthand the kind of man he will be.

He can and will be an excellent partner.

It takes a SPECIAL woman to date this special guy. And you really have to be TRUE to yourself of how much you like this man.

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Because challenges will come your way, that’s a given. But, you know for a fact what to expect from him.

You know that he’s going to be a nurturing, selfless, compassionate and sensitive guy…

And a guy can only gain these qualities from being a good father to their kids.

So, you have to ask yourself –

Can you live with the challenges that come with dating a single dad?

And do the benefits outweigh the liabilities?

If you’d like him to find you irresistible – then you need to watch my special video presentation on how to attract him...

Yours In Perfect Passion...

- Carlos Cavallo


UPDATED 9/27/2021

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    Dating & Relationship Advice Published By:

    Morpheus Productions, LLC
    1115 Madison St NE #1047
    Salem, OR 97301


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