Want To Get Your Man Back?

By: Carlos Cavallo

Would you like to get your man back?

First of all - Has your man put you aside, emotionally and physically?

Is there a sense of disconnect in your relationship that's been growing for some time now?

Maybe you often catch him stealing a glimpse or two at younger, "hotter" women.

Or worse, he's not even trying to hide it and he's openly staring at them in public.

And now you're feeling like chopped liver or yesterday's news.

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But here's the thing about guys: their thoughts and actions aren't all that complicated. Sometimes, women try to read too much into what their partner says or does.

The problem with this habit is that it only creates a great deal of anxiety in the relationship and doesn't solve anything.

Instead, what you should be doing is un-complicate your approach to getting your man back. If you want to win back his heart and restore that fading spark in your relationship, you'll need to shift gears.

Stop stretching yourself thin from trying to "chase" after your guy. Women often do this on a lot of levels, and their partner can sense this.

Instead of getting their guy back, women end up smothering their partner and make him feel trapped. So rather than pulling him back into the relationship, he resists his woman's efforts and pulls away.

Many relationships and marriages fall apart because of this sort of dynamic.

Like I said earlier, the key is to keeping it uncomplicated.

But why? When it comes to relationships, men want things to be generally drama-free.

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In fact, one of the main concerns a guy has before jumping into bed with a girl is if she's going to complicate his life in some way.

He's thinking, "Are we going to have intense, emotional arguments all the time…or is she going to keep that to a minimum?"

I know it sounds harsh, but it's not like men can't handle ANY sort of conflict. He just doesn't want it to DEFINE the relationship.

For the most part, a man wants that reassurance things won't be so…intense all the time. He needs that sense of levity in the relationship.

Think about it - if you always take yourselves so seriously when you're together, where's the FUN in that?

But how do you inject that playfulness back into the relationship without trying too hard and pushing him away?

It's called a little technique I like to call the Mouse Trap Method.

You're probably like, "Ok Carlos, that sounds weird. Where are you going with this??"

This is an uncomplicated approach to dealing with your guy that will inspire him to chase after you like he did before.

As I pointed out, most women make the mistake of doing the opposite. Now it's time to get HIM do the pursuing.

Some women I know who've tried this have gotten their man to practically on their knees to take them back. They've told me their partner's found a renewed sense of love and devotion without being forced to.

In fact, it's happened at such an INTENSE level that they've never seen before.

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So all the typical symptoms of a relationship gone stale have naturally gone away. This includes:

  • - The pesky case of the wandering eye
  • - An emotional chasm between a couple
  • - A lackluster sex life

All of that simply faded away after applying the Mouse Trap Method. It's kind of scary actually, but it's undeniable how effective it's has been with a lot of couples I know.

"Alright, enough Carlos. How does it actually WORK?"

Ok, so here's the basic principle…

Most women practically throw themselves at their guy when they sense their man fancying other women. Or they make him feel crowded when he's showing signs that he's pulling away.

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This creates an uncomfortable amount of drama for a guy. As I've told you, he seeks to avoid this in his life.

And when he feels that he's being made to feel something, his instinct is to rebel against it.

No guy wants to have that desire forced on him. It needs to come to him naturally.

More importantly, it has to feel like it was his idea - even though YOU planted that thought in his head!

Like a shy, skittish mouse, he's going to run for it if he feels cornered. You need to coax him out of his emotional hiding place and dangle the most tempting, irresistible bait he's ever seen.

Here's how do that - let me break it down for you in a few steps:

Get Him Chasing You - Step #1: Patience is key

Emotions can get the best of us, and that can drive us to making hasty decisions. In the case of relationships, jumping the gun can backfire and you'll risk losing your guy.

By that, I mean women who force the "bait" on their guy in little ways. For instance, you need to keep your cool when your guy is checking out that cute waitress taking your order.

I know it's annoying how he's giving her all that attention, but try not to make snide comments about her when she leaves. Don't make fun of her tacky dress or how her make up isn't doing anything for her.

Acting on your feelings like this isn't going to do anything for his level of attraction for you.

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Bringing that other girl down won't make you look better - that's not making proper use of your "bait".

Instead, you gotta play it smart and think of the long game. There are other more subtle (yet powerful) ways to pull him in.

Make Him Yours AGAIN - Step #2: Lay down the groundwork

So you're not going to shove that proverbial cheese in your man's face. It's just not appealing to him that way.

Instead, you'll need to set the foundations by reminding him what attracted him to you in the first place. Then, simply wait for the right time to spring your "trap".

Yes, the right time will come when he'll WANT to take a bite. But you first need to cultivate that primal hunger within him.

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You'll find that acting on that hunger will become a question of "when", and not "if".

I'll get into the specifics of setting your bait in just a bit. But what you need to know right now is that it takes a little pre-work to prime your guy and reignite his red-hot desire for you.

But payoff will totally be worth it.

Stop Him From Pulling Away - Step #3: Set things in motion

Once you've sharpened his appetite to the point where he'll be craving you, it's time to seal the deal.

The only REAL way to make sure he doesn't put some distance between you again is by tapping into his feelings.

I know men get a bad rap for not being expressive emotionally. Most guys were brought up to be like that - showing your feelings was perceived to be a weakness on some level.

I'm not saying that's right, but that's how it is for a lot of men. But even if they might avoid the sticky realm of feelings, trust me when I say his well of emotions runs DEEP.

And now you've got to create enough ripples in there to make him feel an explosive force of attraction for you again.

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The best way to do this is by establishing an "open loop". This is basically creating a perpetual cycle of emotional escalation within a guy so he'll always be chasing after you.

What that means is gradually turning up his feelings one notch at a time until he gets to a point where he can't stand it. This buildup will eventually trigger a torrent of intense emotions directed at YOU.

This is when your mouse trap finally closes in on your guy and you'll capture his heart once more. And this cycle will repeat itself as long you know how to keep it on auto-pilot, if you will.

Now you're wondering, "How do I create that hunger within him? And how do I make that open loop like you said?"

Well, it's really simple to kickstart that whole process in his mind. To keep your guy craving you instead of checking out other women, you'll have to cast certain Love Spells.

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This is the key to making the Mouse Trap method work. Plus, it's practically a done-for-you approach that you just need to know how to initiate.

These Love Spells are based on specific lines that create a near hypnotic effect on just about any guy when uttered. They're meant to hit psychological tripwires that will trigger a series of reactions in his head.

If you want to know more about breathing new life into your relationship - and re-capturing his FULL attention - check out this video presentation.


UPDATED 10/7/2021

Carlos Cavallo's Dating Advice Guru Relationship Tips For Women
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