Why don't men ask for directions?

By: Carlos Cavallo

Why don't men ask for direction? Ever wondered why?

Well - here's why.


Let's face it - rejection hurts.

As a man, I can assure you that I know this fact REALLY well.

All those countless times I approached women to introduce myself.

All those hundreds of times I was "Shot down."

You did know that men describe it that way, right? As if we're fighter pilots going in for the kill,
and you shoot us down...

That's what it feels like for a man. Men HATE rejection.

I know it's no picnic for women, either.

But when it comes to relationships, men can still feel rejected by you.

In fact - one of the most important things a man can feel is ACCEPTED and acknowledged for what he does for you.

long Why dont men ask for directions?

When he comes to you with a slab of mammoth meat...

Wait, sorry. That was back in caveman days...

When he comes to you with the *pride of having cleaned out the garage* he needs to hear your appreciation for his work.

By the way, this is why men don't like to stop and ask for directions...

He wants to prove his competence to you at being able to navigate the wild jungle...

Well, asphalt jungle, anyway.

Remember this rule:

1) A man needs to feel like a MAN or he will feel unhappy, incomplete, and lack confidence.

2) In order to feel like a man, he needs to be appreciated for the manly things he does.

Or...well, I hate to say it:

He will be drawn to the woman who DOES appreciate and stroke that manly ego of his.

It's simple to do - and very simple to FORGET to do.

If you'd like to learn more about how to get your man to bond to you like Krazy Glue...

and have him open his heart - knowing that he's found his soulmate - YOU...

Click here to read the special report


Yours in Perfect Passion...

- Carlos Cavallo


Just go here and watch this short video, and discover the 3 questions that make any man open his heart, adore you the way you deserve, and make him yours forever...

240x400 2 Why dont men ask for directions?

UPDATED 9/23/2021

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