You're Situation Is NOT Special Or Unique...

By: Carlos Cavallo

I get a lot of emails asking this:

"Carlos, my situation is SPECIAL. Will your stuff work for me?"

And I also get a lot of women asking me:

"Carlos, do you have a program for married/divorced/widowed/under 30/over 30, etc. ?"

I wanted to take a quick second to answer this for you and take the opportunity to give you some really valuable insight into your situation that will help you -

- No matter what situation you are currently in.

Both of these actually have very similar answers...

So let's start with the question about how whether I have a program for your situation: single, new relationship, old relationship, married, whatever.

The truth of the matter is that it doesn't matter what you think your status is with him. You will still use the same strategies. No changes.

Yup, you heard me right.

I created my programs to deal with ALL relationships - new, old, committed, scaredy-cat, whatever.

"But Carlos! Surely it's different if -"


You see, that's part of the problem I find with most (if not all) of the women I coach directly.

Women will act one way to GET a man, and another when they think they've managed to lock him down.

She's easygoing at first, and is on her best behavior to cast her love spell.

But once she thinks she's nabbed her guy, she becomes "more jealous, insecure, and focused on getting a ring instead of getting HIM." (These are all words men have used to explain this phenomenon to me, by the way...)

Now let's tackle that first email I get all the time:

"My situation is special... Will your stuff work for me?"

I know you really want to believe your situation is unique - but take it from a guy who reads about 200 "unique" email situations per week...

It ain't.

(Even when you're still married to someone else, or HE is still married to someone else... yes, I get that situation a lot, too.)

We want to believe our situation is different, sure. Sometimes we NEED to believe that we're an exception to the rule. I must be special because "I've tried everything" (no, you haven't) and I still can't get him to X ... or Y... or Z.

In reality, when we try to make our situation "special," we're just trying to find an excuse to NOT do what we know we need to do.

After all, if your situation is SPECIAL, that means that nothing else out there will work for you - even if you haven't used any of it.

In short, let me save you time, energy, and heartache. I've been doing this for longer than you think, and I've yet to see a single truly "special case."

Yes, some small things will change if you've been with a man for 30 years or so... but not a whole lot. You'll be more intimately familiar, sure.


- You STILL need to know how to get him to respect you...

- You STILL need to know what men need in a relationship...

- You STILL need to know how to keep him interested...

Very little changes just because you've been together X number of years. His needs remain the same!

In fact, when you presume that things change and then you change your behavior, you're actually scaring a lot of guys away. You're showing him that you're doing one thing to get him to fall for you, and after you think you've "got him" you change into someone else.

What message does THAT send to a man?

He'll feel tricked...


And I don't want you to lose your relationship with him because of a misunderstanding!

Because YOU'RE WORTH IT - and you DESERVE to be happy.

I am a guy, so take it from me…

  • You deserve to be LOVED, ADORED AND WORSHIPPED.
  • You deserve a SPECIAL GUY who will never let a smile leave your face - or let you down...
  • You deserve someone who will call you randomly just because he missed hearing your voice...
  • You deserve someone who genuinely CARES about you - who FEELS lucky to have someone like you by his side.
  • You deserve those special dinner surprises, lovely flowers, random warm kisses, surprise hugs and late night phone calls...
  • You deserve the guy who will cheer you up when you feel down and will believe in you when no one else would...

Actually you deserve your own FAIRY TALE ending - because you, my dear, are totally worth it in a MILLION different ways!

So I urge you. Don't put off your HAPPINESS one more second...

Click the link below to get your love life SECURE ... and HANDLED!

Don't pretend for one more minute that it will just "fix itself."

CLICK HERE: Learn the secrets that most women will NEVER know...

Yours in Perfect Passion...

- Carlos

Carlos Cavallo's Dating Advice Guru Relationship Tips For Women
Carlos Cavallo - Dating Advice For Women

Carlos Cavallo Dating and Relationship Guru

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  • The REAL Reason Men Run From Relationships...
  • How To Know If He's Still Interested In You...
  • Is He Afraid To Commit? Find out...
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    Dating & Relationship Advice Published By:

    Morpheus Productions, LLC
    1115 Madison St NE #1047
    Salem, OR 97301



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